What is Psoriasis?
At Van Dyke Yun Dermatology, Dr. Greg Van Dyke and Dr. Jasmine Yun are here to help men and women treat, control, and maintain their psoriasis. This recurring skin condition occurs when skin cells grow too quickly and cause red, light-colored patches of skin that become inflamed, itchy, scaly, flaky, and can even scab. Normal skin cells turn over and slough off about once a month or so; however, those with psoriasis have skin cells that build up quickly and form what are called plaques that vary in diameter and position, forming on the elbows, knees, hands, scalp, and lower back. Many cases of this noncontagious skin condition are considered moderate and can be relatively easy to treat; however, a few are difficult to treat and may require many therapies during a patient's lifetime.
Psoriasis Reviews
How Is Psoriasis Diagnosed and Treated?
Psoriasis occurs when your immune system panics and causes inflammation and flaking skin. Scientists believe that this is a genetic condition where certain genes interact with one another, which leads to psoriasis. The most recognized symptoms associated with psoriasis include bright, reddish patches of skin that are covered with loose and silver scales that pop up after a known trigger, such as a stressful event, taking particular medications, dry weather, or a bad sunburn. Plaques may also appear in the same area on both sides of your body, such as on both of your knees. The top of your scalp may have anything from minor scaling to areas of thick, scabbed plaques. Itching commonly occurs prior to flare-ups, especially when psoriatic patches arise in body folds under the breasts or buttocks. Tiny areas of skin bleeding can occur when scales are picked or scraped off, known as Auspitz sign.
At Van Dyke Yun Dermatology, we can help our Studio City, CA patients with minor to severe cases of psoriasis by prescribing anything from prescription ointments to shampoos and oils, or systemic medications taken by mouth or injected that work through the entire body. Phototherapy, which uses ultraviolet light, can also help minimize symptoms.
Control Your Psoriasis
Psoriasis can be embarrassing and uncomfortable and can even make it difficult for you to carry out simple daily tasks. If this is you, we encourage you to call Van Dyke Yun Dermatology at your earliest convenience. During an appointment with one of our skilled doctors, we can assess your condition and create a treatment plan personalized to help make your symptoms manageable and your quality of life better. Board-certified dermatologists Drs. Greg Van Dyke and Jasmine Yun and their Studio City, CA team are here and ready to help you create a comfortable life.